Welcome To My Blog


  •        ON
1.      My pen on the table
2.      My raport on the table
3.      My hour on the table
4.      My house on the mountain
5.      My handpone on the table

  •         IN
1.      My money in the wallet
2.      My motorcycle key in the bag
3.      My car in the garage
4.      My friend study in the classroom
5.      Mem  Femmy teach speech English in the classroom

  •        AT
1.      I more like live at Surabaya better than at Jakarta
2.      I like play badminton at building sport
3.      My friend play football at field
4.      My brother live at bali
5.      My sister live at Jakarta

  •         INSIDE
1.      Inside forest that teherewild animals
2.      Inside building that bomb
3.      Inside bag that tehere my pen
4.      Inside my baggage motorcycle tehere vehicle license
5.      Inside stable that tehere dog

  •          OUTSIDE
1.      My teacher tehere outside city
2.      I be outside house
3.      My friend play guitar outside house
4.      My sister dinner outside
5.      My mother wipe outside

  •        TO
1.      I go to surabaya tumorrow
2.      I go to campus with Erwan
3.      I go to school walk foot
4.      I go to supermarket with mother
5.      My mother go to Bali lastmonth

  •         UP
1.      I wake up at 06.00 o’clock
2.      The plant is growing up very well
3.      What do you usually do after  you get up?
4.      Her kid is starting to act up, but I think he just wanst more attention
5.      I must wake up earlier tomorrow

  •         DOWN
1.       I down pass through ladder emergency
2.      From floor 2 down floor 1
3.      I down floor 1 via ladder that
4.      Roat downward
5.      I down from car Erwan

  •         BESIDE
1.      Mother sit beside father
2.      I sleep beside Erwan
3.      My house across beside hospital
4.      Miftahul sit beside yuny
5.      I sit beside mother

  •         BETWEEN
1.      I sit between they
2.      I stand between two flower they
3.      Rudy walk between Novry and Budi
4.      In between Yuny and Hadra tehere is table
5.      In between book that  tehere my book

  •         FROM
1.      I’m from Jakarta
2.      My brother from the hospital
3.      My father from the office
4.      From far I see Jayus and Sandy
5.      A while ago Novry from I house

  •         AFTER
1.      I story after incident a while ago  see them
2.      Story after film movie
3.      I read book  after business
4.      I’m drin k juice after eat
5.      The day after tomorrow

  •         BEFORE
1.      I go before he cam
2.      They cam before rain down
3.      Before I go to school
4.      I cam before the sunset
5.      I wake up before the sunrise

  •         BEHIND
1.      Yuny stand I behind
2.      Father sit behind mother
3.      I stand behind car
4.      I walk behind Hadra and Yuny
5.      My sister laugh behind mother

  •        ABOVE
1.      Butterfly above we
2.      Helicopter fly above I house
3.      At above my head tehere tehere lamp
4.      Bird fly sbove house
5.      Machiine fly above cloud

  •         FOR
1.      I give money for sister
2.      I give time very again
3.      Prize this for you
4.      Book this for me
5.      Father some this for me

  •        ACROSS
1.      Across Palu – Donggala 40 kilometer
2.      My house across beside campus AMIK
3.      Across my house and house Erwa  2 kilometer
4.      Rusland stand across in front me
5.      Hazan sit across in front Novry

  •      UNDER
1.      Under table tehere cat
2.      Under cupboard tehere  mouse
3.      Under chair many dust
4.      Tehere money under pillow
5.      My money fall under chair  

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